Finally, a good idea for consumers: Carrefour and Telecom get together to allow their customers to avoid monthly fees and exchange shopping points for savings on phone calls.
From Liberty Times, 30 October 2008 (
家 樂福電信資費設計力求4簡單,不論是預付卡或月租型、網內、外和市話都是單一價,消費者不用再被複雜的數字困擾5。而即日起到12月31日促銷期間申辦,購買 預付6卡99元,終身國內通話可打9.1折,因此網內、外、市話皆每秒鐘0.1元;而月租99元型,還能終生免付月租費,網內、外、市話每秒鐘為0.115 元,打多少、付多少。
1 xuan1bu4 (verb): proclaim/announce
2 jie2meng2 (verb): ally/join with
3 zhong1shen1 (adjective): lifetime
4 li4qiu2 (adverb): try one's best or hardest
5 kun1rao3 (noun): perplexlity
6 yu4fu4 (verb): prepay
7 zhen1dui4 (verb): take aim at/focus on
8 lei3ji1 (verb): to accumulate
9 zhang4dan1 (noun): bill