China reflects on good social fortunes of hosting Olympics. They're ready for change.
Editorial from People's Daily (
1 ji1yu4 (noun): stroke of luck/fortune
2 zuo4wei2 (grammatical structure): as (s.o.)/in the role of (as a teacher, you should...)
3 song1he2xing4 (adjective): composite/synthesized
4 jie4 (measure word): for events
5 tui1dong4 (verb): promote/move forward
6 jin4cheng2 (noun): process
7 xie2qu3 (verb): collect
8 ji2qu3 (verb): draw from (a well, etc.)
9 zhuang4da4 (verb): to strengthen/expand
10 huan4fa1 (verb): suddenly bloom
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
US Wants In On Taipei-Beijing Talks
In a move that showed ongoing interest in Taiwan, the US asks not to be left out in Taiwan's new era of cooperation with Beijing.
From the Liberty Times, 28 August 2008 (
2 guan1qie4 (noun/verb): concern/worry
3 chuan2da2 (verb): convey
4 an1shi4 (verb): imply
5 ju4ti3 (adjective): concrete (details, concepts)
6 huan4yan2zhi1 (phrase): in other words,...
7 shi2ji1 (noun): opportunity/occasion
8 shen3shen4 (adjective): cautious/calculated
9 hu4dong4 (noun): interaction
10 ping2gu1 (verb): evaluate
11 pie1 (verb): cast aside
12 ban1yan2...jiao3se4 (verbal phrase): to play a role
13 er4gui3 (noun): dual-track/bilateral
14 guan3dao4 (noun): channel (of communication, etc.)
From the Liberty Times, 28 August 2008 (
1 can1yu2 (noun): participation2 guan1qie4 (noun/verb): concern/worry
3 chuan2da2 (verb): convey
4 an1shi4 (verb): imply
5 ju4ti3 (adjective): concrete (details, concepts)
6 huan4yan2zhi1 (phrase): in other words,...
7 shi2ji1 (noun): opportunity/occasion
8 shen3shen4 (adjective): cautious/calculated
9 hu4dong4 (noun): interaction
10 ping2gu1 (verb): evaluate
11 pie1 (verb): cast aside
12 ban1yan2...jiao3se4 (verbal phrase): to play a role
13 er4gui3 (noun): dual-track/bilateral
14 guan3dao4 (noun): channel (of communication, etc.)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
China Reflects on Olympic Successes
In the 100 yrs of modern Olympic history, China is the first Asian country to prevail in the gold medal count. China is elated...
From the People's Daily, 26 August 2008
北京奥运会大幕于8月24日晚徐徐1落幕2。16天大战,中国奥运军团实现3历史性大突破4,以51枚金牌的战绩5首次坐上金牌榜首席位置,奖牌总数则达到6了100 枚。北京奥运会,东道主中国代表团展现了高超的竞技7水平和良好的道德风尚,实现了新的突破。从雅典8金牌榜的第二名跃升9到北京奥运会的第一名,在百年奥运史 上,中国是第一个荣登金牌榜首位的亚洲国家、发展中国家。中国为奥林匹克运动做出了杰出10的贡献,书写了崭新的一页11。 中国代表团不仅在跳水、乒乓 球、女子举重、体操12、射击、羽毛球等传统优势项目上继续保持着高水平,还在击剑13、射箭、赛艇14、帆板、蹦床、拳击15、曲棍球、艺术体操、沙滩排球16、花样游泳等 诸多过去相对落后的项目上实现了突破,可喜可贺17!
1 xu2xu2 (adverb): slowly/gently
2 luo4mu4 (verbal phrase): falling of the curtain
3 shi2xian4 (verb): to realize (a goal--not an idea)
4 tu1po4 (noun/verb): breakthrough
5 zhan4ji1 (noun): battle-accomplishment
6 da2dao4 (verb): to reach (a number, a goal)
7 jing4ji4 (noun): tournament
8 Ya3dian3 (proper noun): Athens
9 yue4sheng1 (verb): leap up
10 jie2chu1 (adjective): illustrious
11 shu1xie3 le zhan3xin1 de yi1ye4 (verb): write a brand new page in the book (of history)
12 ti3cao1 (noun): gymnastics
13 ji1jian4 (noun): fencing
14 sai4ting3 (noun): rowing (crew)
15 quan2ji1 (noun): boxing
16 sha1tan1pai2qiu2 (noun): beach volleyball
17 ke3xi3ke3he4 (phrase): congratulations!/hoorah!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Fasting for Democracy (August 31)
As a consciousness-raising exercise of the Tibetan plight, the Dalai lama has asked the world to participate in a 12 hr fast on August 31
From The Liberty Times, 23 August 2008
2 xuan1bu4 (verb): officially announced/broadcast
3 jue2shi2 (noun): fast (from eating)
4 hui4wu4 (verb): to meet (with reporters, etc.)
5 dun1cu4 (verb): to urge
6 fa1yan2ren2 (noun): spokesperson
7 dai4ling3(verb): to lead
8 xin4tu2 (noun): followers/disciples
9 xiang4zheng1xing4 (adjective): symbolic
10 guan1qie4 (noun): trouble/predicament
From The Liberty Times, 23 August 2008
1 liu2wang2 (adjective): exiled2 xuan1bu4 (verb): officially announced/broadcast
3 jue2shi2 (noun): fast (from eating)
4 hui4wu4 (verb): to meet (with reporters, etc.)
5 dun1cu4 (verb): to urge
6 fa1yan2ren2 (noun): spokesperson
7 dai4ling3(verb): to lead
8 xin4tu2 (noun): followers/disciples
9 xiang4zheng1xing4 (adjective): symbolic
10 guan1qie4 (noun): trouble/predicament
Monday, August 11, 2008
China Sets Out to Own Olympics!
They said they would do it, and apparently they weren't bluffing: China is off to a fast start in the MeDAl count. And their weightlifters are taking them there. (Pay attention to the military vocabulary employed to describe athletes and their events.)
From People's Daily, 10 August 2008 (
本场比赛中,张湘祥的开把重量是139公斤,在他之前,林永寿成功举起了138公斤的重量。张湘祥在第一次抓举上场前,在墙壁上压了压肩,然后冷静9地站 了一下,随即走上了举重台。他眉头紧锁10,仿佛11那股千钧之力都在此刻凝聚12。果然,张湘祥稳稳地举起了杠铃,举起的那一刻他还露出了开心的微笑.
1 ju3zhong4 (noun): weightlifting
2 gan3xing4fu2 (adjective): blessed
3 xuan3shou3 (noun): contestant/candidate
4 yan2xu4 (verb): exceed (expectations)
5 you1shi4 (adjective): superior
6 liu2lu4 (verb): express (feelings)
7 mei2 (measure word): (for medals)
8 zheng1zhan4 (noun): campaign (military)
9 leng3jing4 (adverb): coolly/calmly
10 jin3suo3 (verb): lock up
11 fang2fu2 (expression): as if...
12 ning2ju4 (verb): condense/agglomerate
Friday, August 1, 2008
It's superfast!
High-speed,Beijing-Tianjin train up and going: Welcome to the superfast age of the Chinese megalopolis.
Excerpt from the People's Daily, 1 August 2008 (
北京8月1日电 今天上午,京津城际铁路通车运营1仪式在北京南站、天津站同时举行2。这标志3着中国第一条具有世界一流水平、最高运营时速350公里的高速铁路正式通车运营。
京津城际铁路全长120公里,沿途4设北京南、亦庄、武清、天津等4座车站,预留永乐站,开行列车为国产CRH2-300型5和CRH3型“和谐号”动车组。线路投入6运营后采用公交7化城际列车和跨线列车混合开行的运输8组织模式,初期每天开行本线动车组列车47对、跨线动车组13对,共60对动车组列车,列 车最小间隔5分钟。
1 yun4ying2 (verb): to be in operations
2 ju3xing2 (verb): to run/host (an event)
3 biao1zhi4 (verb): to represent
4 yan2tu2 (phrase): to run alongside
5 xing2 (noun): model (of machine)
6 tou2ru4 (verb): to cast/throw into (operation)
7 gong1jiao1 (noun): public transportation
8 yun4shu1 (verb): to transport
9 jian4cheng2 (noun/verb): construction
10 ju1liao3jie (phrase): according to reports/what is known
Excerpt from the People's Daily, 1 August 2008 (
北京8月1日电 今天上午,京津城际铁路通车运营1仪式在北京南站、天津站同时举行2。这标志3着中国第一条具有世界一流水平、最高运营时速350公里的高速铁路正式通车运营。
京津城际铁路全长120公里,沿途4设北京南、亦庄、武清、天津等4座车站,预留永乐站,开行列车为国产CRH2-300型5和CRH3型“和谐号”动车组。线路投入6运营后采用公交7化城际列车和跨线列车混合开行的运输8组织模式,初期每天开行本线动车组列车47对、跨线动车组13对,共60对动车组列车,列 车最小间隔5分钟。
1 yun4ying2 (verb): to be in operations
2 ju3xing2 (verb): to run/host (an event)
3 biao1zhi4 (verb): to represent
4 yan2tu2 (phrase): to run alongside
5 xing2 (noun): model (of machine)
6 tou2ru4 (verb): to cast/throw into (operation)
7 gong1jiao1 (noun): public transportation
8 yun4shu1 (verb): to transport
9 jian4cheng2 (noun/verb): construction
10 ju1liao3jie (phrase): according to reports/what is known
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