Monday, June 30, 2008
Oh, no you DIDN"T!!
This excerpt is from Taiwan's Liberty Times, 01 July 2008. (
1 qiang3fei2 (noun): thief
2 die1dao3 (verb): fall
3 jian4zhuang4 (verbal phrase): see/size up the situation
4 pan1shang4 (verb+complement): climb up
5 la1che3 (verb): pull and tear at
6 chan3dou4 (verb): to tangle/fight with
7 shuai3xia4 (verb+complement): to fling away
8 shang4hen3lei3lei3 (phrase): scraped from head to food/injured all over
9 xun2xian4 (verbal phrase): follow a lead (said of police)
10 qiang3xian2 (noun): suspect (of theft)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Playing Nice
Excerpt from ChinaNews, 27 June 2008
根据10·3共同文件精神,朝方(N.Korea) 将于26日向六方会谈主席国提交核申报5清单,美方将于同日履行6其将朝从“支恐”名单中除名和中止7对朝适用《敌国贸易8法》的承诺。
2 luo4shi2 (verb): implement
3 sheng1ming2 (noun): declaration (to the public)
4 jin4zhan1 (noun): progress
5 shen1bao4 (noun): declaration (of items)
6 lu3xing2 (verb): carry out/implement
7 zhong1zhi3 (verb): suspend
8 mao4yi1 (adjective): trade (sanctions, business, etc.)
9 yan4zheng4 (verb): verify/confirm
10 kuo4san1 (verb): proliferate
Monday, June 23, 2008
Are They Still Alive?
北川警方和特警迅速赶到了华新超市废墟,这座7层楼已经粉碎性坍塌5。警方在废墟各处向里喊话,同时紧急向消防和军队求援6. 不久之后,搜救人员7携带生命探测8仪等器材9赶到现场,在废墟的多处地点展开生命探测,但均未发现生命迹象。在探测同时,有搜救人员在底层掏出10几个洞口喊话,也未有回应。搜救人员随后进入这些洞内探测,同样没有取得进展。
1 xian4cheng2 (noun): city
2 fei4xu1 (noun): rubble/ruins
3 sui2ji2 (adverb): immediately
4 xing4cun2zhe (noun): lucky survivors
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Oh,...the Cultural Wonders of Brussels!
23 June 2008. From the Liberty Times (
1 xin1shang3 (verb): appreciate/enjoy
2 ji4you3...you4 (grammatical structure): both/not only (s.t.) and (s.t.)
3 jie2zou4 (noun)
4 cai1ta4 (verb): step
5 mo4mo4de (adverb): silently
6 da1pei4 (verb): matched/paired up
7 tian1yi3wu2feng4 (adverb): seamless
8 bu4ou3 (noun): mannequin
9 fu4you3 (verb): full of
10 bi3li4shi2 (proper noun): Belgium
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Study Abroad
Copied from the Chinese Youth Daily News, 19 June 208 (
1 you3jian4yu2 (verb): turn to
2 ti3yan4 (verb): experience firsthand
3 fang1an4 (noun): project/plan (business/official)
4 you2 (grammatical particle): (something done) by (a certain person or party)
5 jian1du4 (verb): oversee/survey
6 ming2e4 (noun): quota (# of people/things)
7 zhuan3zhe2 (verb): turning point
8 dan1you1 (noun): worry
9 jiong3ran2 (adjective): very different/distant
10 cha1yi4 (noun): discrepency/difference
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bikini Finals Week in Taiwan
What Taiwanese Coeds do during Finals Week--OooLala!
This snippet is from the Liberty Times, 18 June 2008
1 bi3ji1ni2 yong3zhuang1yan2 (noun): bikini show
2 zhan3lu4 (verb): display/reveal
3 shen1duan4 (noun): womanly figure
4 ju3ban4 (verb): hold (an event)
5 shen1zhan3 (verb): extended (stage)
6 xiu1se4 (noun): ravishing beauty
7 bai2tian1 (adverb): by day
8 wan3shang4 (adverb): by night
9 jian1gu4 (verb): handle both/do both
10 ming2lie4qian2mao2 (chengyu): come out on top
Monday, June 16, 2008
The following snippet is copied from the People's Online Paper,17 June 2008.
13号晚上,匆匆1从杭州赶来的成龙,立刻躲进2了上海的一家录音棚3。这次他低调4前来,就是 为了录制两首公益5歌曲,献给6灾后重建的四川同胞7。当晚成龙要录制《少年强》和《相信自己》两首公益歌曲。《少年强》是一首专门送给灾区孩子的作品。歌词8简 练,琅琅上口9,曲调听来积极10向上,却不失中国特色。
1 cong1cong1de (adverb): hurriedly
2 duo3jin4 (verb): duck/stop into (a locale)
3 peng2 (noun): shed/house/studio
4 di1diao4 (adverb): low-profile like
5 gong1yi4 (adjective): charity/public good
6 xian4gei3 (verb): contribute/give to (a cause/charity)
7 tong2bao1 (noun): fellow countrymen
8 ge1ci2 (noun): lyrics (to a song)
9 lang2lang2xhang4kou3 (adverb): sing/speak smoothly and fluidly
10 ji1ji2 (adjective): active/vigorous