Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Get on that Train FAST!
From Taipei's Apple News, 25 July 2008 n
1 yuan2gong1 (noun): staff member
2 e4lang2 (noun): sex fiend/pervert
3 wei3xie4 (verb): licentious (sexually)
4 ji4xia4 (verb): remember
5 jing3fang1 (noun): police (official name)
6 dai3 (verb): apprehend/arrest
7 xian2fan4 (noun): suspect (in a crime)
8 te4zheng1 (noun): especially
9 dai3tu2 (noun): criminal
10 wen3he2 (verb): be similar too
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Turn those Old Tees into Shoes!
A Taiwanese teacher and his students manufacture sandals out of old clothes. Planning to go public on the internet.
From Liberty Times, 23 July 2008
1 tui1dong4 (verb): to push/promote
2 li4yong4 (verb): to utilize
3 qu3ming2wei2 (grammatical constr.): (s.t.) is called ("s.t.")
4 fan4shou4 (verb): to sell/peddle
5 yi3...zhu3ti2 (grammatical constr.): to take...(s.t.) as one's purpose or chief objective
6 jian3cai2 (verb): to cut up/trim
7 da4gong1gao4cheng2 (expression): to declare success or victory
8 du2yi1wu2er4 (expression): unique/one of a kind
9 bu4zhou4 (noun): a step (n a process)
10 fan2fu4 (adjective): complex
Sunday, July 20, 2008
More Floods in China
湖北襄樊 暴雨后污水横流
人民网讯 2008年7月20日上午,一场暴雨2再次考验3了湖北省襄樊市庞公路的交通。由于地下排水系统4差,每次雨后这条路位于铁路涵洞5下方一段都会大量积水6,下水道里的黑色污水7也会顶翻8窨井盖,疯狂地向外翻滚。有的市民不愿意趟9浑水, 不得不从涵洞上方的铁路上翻过去。频繁来往的列车威胁10着这些部分市民的生命安全。1 hun2shui3 (noun): muddy/dirty water
2 bao4yu3 (noun): violent rain/ big rainstorm
3 kao3yan4 (verb): to test/to try
4 di4xia4 pai2shui3xi1tong3 (noun): underground water system
5 han2dong4 (noun): reservoir/container
6 ji1shui3 (verbal phrase): collect/amass water
7 wu1shui3 (noun): sewage
8 ding3fan1 (verb): turn/flip over
9 tang4 (verb): travel through/brave/trudge
10 wei1xie2 (verb): threaten
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Getting the Female Vote
Excerpt from the People's Daily, 15 July 2008 (
美国民主、共和两党正紧锣密鼓1 遴选2 副总统候选人, 媒体猜测, 美国是否会选出首位女性副总统。英国媒体13日指出前有“第一夫人”希拉里3·克林顿竞选4总统铺路5,女性很有可能当选美国两大党副总统候选6人。
美国艾奥瓦大学政治学者特雷西·奥斯本说:“女搭档会让总统竞选人获益良多7, 尤其是民主党方面。”
美国堪萨斯8州女州长凯瑟琳·西贝利厄斯是民主党副总统候选人一大热门人选。共和党在堪萨斯州势力9深厚, 西贝利厄斯却能以民主党籍身份当选这个州的州长, 甚至成功说服当地重量级共和党人转变党籍10, 展现11 不凡12政治智慧。这名两任州长现年60岁, 恰能弥补13民主党总统竞选人奥巴马在年龄和经验方面的劣势。
1 ji3luo2mi4gu3 (phrase): drumming in
2 lin2xuan3 (verb): select
3 xi1la1li3 (proper noun): Hillary
4 jing4xuan3 (verb): elect
5 pu1lu4 (verb): pave (the way)
6 hou4xuan3 (noun): candidate
7 huo4yi4liang2duo1 (phrase): reaping of great benefits
8 kan1sa4si1 (proper noun): Kansas
9 shi1li4 (noun): power (gov't)
10 dang3ji2 (noun): membership (in a political party)
11 zhan3xian4 (verb): manifest
12 bu4fan3 (adjective): out of the ordinary
13 mi2bu3 (verb): supplement/compensate
Sunday, July 6, 2008
The REAL Tennis Kings
A popular comic book story has become a reality for a Taiwanese teenager. Who's the Tennis King now?!
From Liberty Times, 7 July 2008 (
由「小胖」楊宗樺與「A鵬」謝政鵬配對3出擊的男雙組合,昨在「草地聖殿」溫布頓4網球青少年男雙壓軸5冠軍戰,歷經6一百二十七分鐘、三盤苦戰7,終以六比 四、二比六、十二比十擊敗8大會第三種子、澳洲拍檔湯米可/瑞德,如願登上王座,楊宗樺也成為台灣網壇史上第一位9青少年世界球王。
1 zhai1jun1 (verbal phrase): pluck the championship
2 deng1ji1 (verbal phrase): assume the throne
3 pei4dui4 (noun): couples (in tennis)
4 wen1bu4dun4 (proper noun): Wimbledon
5 ya1zhou3 (verb): press forward (press hard on the axle)
6 li4jing1 (verb): experience/go through
7 ku3zhan4 (noun): grueling battles (sets in tennis)
8 ji1bai4 (verb): defeat
9 shi3shang5di4yi1wei4 (phrase): the first in history (to do something)
10 feng1wang2 (verbal phrase): be crowned king
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
LV Goes After EBay: "Pirating is your problem, now!"
The Parisian courts weigh in on Ebay: for allowing pirates to roam their internet shores, Ebay forced to fork over 400,000,000 RMB!! (...and the pirates?)
Taken from People's Daily, 2 July 2008 (
法国名牌集团1路易威登2·莫特轩尼诗集团(LVMH)入禀3巴黎商业法庭,控告4全球最大拍卖网站eBay容许5其网站拍卖6路易·威登(LV)、Christian Dior等6个品牌的冒牌服装和手袋等,以及一年半前开始违例售卖香水。法院裁定LVMH胜诉,下令eBay赔偿4000万欧元(约合4.3亿元人民币)。
1 ji2tuan2 (noun): group (incorporated)
2 lu4yi4wei1deng1 (phrase): famous on the streets
3 ru4bing3 (verb): submit an official report/grievance
4 kong4gao4 (verb): to sue
5 mai4wang3zhan4 (noun): online seller
6 pai1mai4 (verb): to auction off
7 wei2li4 (verb): break the rules
8 cai2ding4 (verb): to rule on (a case)
9 xia4ling4 (verb): to command
10 pei2chang2 (verb): to compensate (monetarily)